Blue Light Glasses - Computer Glasses - Screen Glasses - Gaming Glasses

Prevent the symptoms of digital eye strain caused by prolonged computer, mobile, ipad and TV exposure. NuBlue blue light blocking glasses were created for people exposed to long hours of screen time to help maintain their natural sleep patterns and regular eye health.

NuBlue are Australia’s favourite non-prescription blue light blocking glasses, designed to improve and enhance your digital lifestyle!


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Protect your eyes from the main sources of blue light

Benefits Of Using NuBlue Blue Light Blocking Glasses

No More Headaches

Prevent headaches before they take hold and protect yourself from today’s modern world in which digital devices such as computers, TV’s, ipads and mobile phones have become so prevalent. NuBlue users report a 93% reduction in headaches when using a pair of NuBlue blue light blocking glasses.

Reduce Digital Eye Strain

Enjoy uninterrupted screen time with NuBlue’s TruBlueBlock® blue light blocking lenses, purposely built to enhance your digital experience and minimize digital eye strain by utilising 7 layers of protection to block out the harmful and damaging effects of blue light on the 410nm-460nm spectrum.

Improve Your Natural Sleep Cycle

Blue light exposure tricks our brain into believing it's daytime even when it's not. Blue light affects melatonin which impacts sleep. If you have trouble falling asleep or cannot fall into a deep sleep, it is likely your melatonin levels have been affected by excessive exposure to blue light wavelengths.

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What Is Blue Light?

There are different hues of visible light that our eyes perceive, some of these hues are red, orange, yellow, green and blue.

Blue light is different to the other hues in that it has a shorter wavelength, meaning it reaches and affects our eyes quicker than other hues.

Blue light can be found in artificial forms such as that which is emmitted from mobile phones, televisions and computer screens, LED lighting and fluorescent light bulbs. These are the most widely recognized forms of blue light. However, blue light appears more in other areas of everyday life.

Natural blue light is when light from the sun travels through our atmosphere and is met with air molecules which causes blue light to spread everywhere. Surprisingly, this is actually what causes the sky to be blue during the day.

Our bodies operate on a circadian rhythm that flows with the earth’s rotation and causes us to wake up and go to sleep.

Blue light effects our sleep rhythm in that it lets the body know when it's time to go to sleep (when the sun goes down) or when it's time to wake up (when the sun rises and reintroduces blue light into the atmosphere).

Yes, very much so. Blue light waves are the shortest wavelength of visible light, thus making them the most powerful because it takes less time to reach our eyes.

Due to it's short wavelength, blue light tends to flicker easier than other hues such as red, orange, yellow and green. Our eyes don’t cope well with this flickering, causing the eye to fatigue easily as it is having to perceive a hue that is essentially turning on and off rather than consistently shining.

Other visible light hues do not flicker like blue light and this is what separates blue light from the rest and makes it much more hazardous to human eye health.

In today's digital age, we spend most of our work and even our leisure time in front of a screen or out in the sun, but unless you're asleep, you are exposing your eyes to blue light for the majority of the day.

With more and more people working from home with an inevitable increase in screen time, there really is no escaping the effects of blue light.

Prolonged exposure to blue light rays causes immediate symptoms of eye strain such as dizziness, blurred vision, light headedness, dry and irritated eyes and difficulty focusing.

If that isn't damaging enough, long-term effects can include retinal damage and also be conducive to age-related macular degeneration and may eventually lead to loss of vision.

That’s why NuBlue, Blue Light Glasses were created!

We were born with a mission to share our knowledge with our fellow Australians about the harmful effects of blue light.

We want you to be able to go about your day without dealing with sore tired eyes or worrying about blue light ever again!

#nublue   #smartmove

How Does Blue Light Affect Us?

In an era where blue light emitting devices are used by a large percentage of the population, it's now more important than ever to be aware of and take steps to prevent the harmful effects of blue light exposure.

Approximately 63% of adults experience symptoms of digital eye strain after using a digital device for only 2 hours. These symptoms generally start with a small pressure build-up between the eyes that normally turns into a mild headache, and in extreme cases, digital eye strain can cause blurred vision.

Glasses produced with blue light blocking technology targeting the 410nm-460nm wave lengths are scientifically proven to prevent headaches before they start, enhance your focus and eliminate digital eye strain resulting in refreshed eyes that are able to focus much more efficiently.
We live in a digital age that sees us all spending an increased amount of time on digital devices than previous generations.

Our kids are often using devices just as often or even more than us. While we can try to limit our exposure to digital devices, it is not always a practical solution as 8 out of 10 adults are required to use a computer at work and children are spending upwards of 6 hours per day on digital devices. This is when blue light blocking glasses come in as the most viable solution to limiting our exposure to blue light.

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