Our body clock and wake clock are both affected and influenced by both natural and artificial blue light. In the morning we feel alert and awake when we see blue light from the sun, as it tells our brain that its daytime. The removal of blue light when the sun sets in the evening, as it transitions to darkness tells our brain its night-time. This produces a reaction in our brain to release melatonin (sleep hormone) which makes us feel sleepy and finally puts us to sleep.

In today’s society, we now switch on our cell phones, watch TV or turn on our house lights after dark, which all contain artificial blue light. As a result, a message is being transmitted to our brains tricking us in to thinking that it's still daytime, and that there is no need to feel sleepy or relaxed.

So what's the problem? Our bodies operate on a circadian rhythm that flows with the earth’s rotation that causes us to wake up and go to sleep. So if you having trouble falling asleep or cannot fall into a deep sleep state, it is likely your melatonin levels have been negatively affected by excessive exposure to blue light wavelengths.

Wearing blue light blocking glasses help to regulate our bodies natural circadian sleep rhythm, ensuring our bodies melatonin production is not negatively affected by artificial sources of blue light.

Harvard University research has revealed that disturbances in your sleep can be an outcome of excessive exposure to blue light and can lead to increasing your risk of type-2 diabetes, heart disease, depression, anxiety, and cancer.



In an era where blue light emitting devices are used by a large percentage of the population for a large percentage of their time, it's now more important than ever to be aware of and take steps to prevent the harmful effects of blue light exposure.



When my 7 year old daughter was recently diagnosed with ADHD her pediatrician prescribed her with melatonin, but I knew there had to be a more natural way then trying to get her to take liquid medicine every-single-night.  

So, when I looked into natural ways to increase melatonin and came across blue light blocking glasses, I knew that they would be a perfect all-natural solution which would eliminate the need for any prescription based medicine, or any medicine at all for that matter. 

The hardest thing is getting her to remember to wear them, which she isn’t bothered by, but it does slip her mind from time to time. 

Me and my wife are definitely seeing improvements with her restlessness at night, and we’re very happy that we were able to find a natural solution that seems to be working well enough to make a difference in our lives. 

Sam & Clare Downs - Brisbane QLD